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W. Deen Mohammed Weekly Articles

Download All (98%) of Imam W. Deen Mohammed’s Articles - Free
Plus Ramadan Sessions 2001 to 2007 and other transcripts

(Updated 11-1-15 with 106 new articles)
(Updated 7-22-16 with 24 new articles)
(Updated 9-26-16 with 87 new files)
(Updated 1-7-17 with 28 new files)
(Updated 5-17-17 with 24 new files)
(Updated 1-8-18 with 50 new files)
(Updated 6-1-18 with 53 new files)
(Updated 1-16-19 with 105 new files)
(Updated 6-16-19 with 47 new files)
(Updated 1-1-20 with 75 new files)
(Updated 6-1-20 with 22 new files)
(Updated 1-12-21 with 72 new files)
(Updated June 2021 with 40 new files)
(Updated January 2022 with 42 new files)
(Updated June 2022 with 48 new files)
(Updated January 2023 with 38 new files)
(Updated June 2023 with 61 new files)
(Updated January 2024 with 46 new files)
(Updated June 2024 with 44 new files)

Next Update January 2025

I think most of us realize the importance of preserving the tremendous knowledge that Imam W. Deen Mohammed gave to us and the world via his printed articles. (See the excerpt from Imam Mohammed’s lecture titled: Structure, Guard And Publish The Knowledge

Now you can download all (98%) of his articles from The Muslim Journal, Progressions Magazine, AM Journal, World Muslim News, Bilalian News, Muhammad Speaks, and the IWDM Study Library for the purposes of research, study, and preservation.

Click Here to Download

The folder is in a "zipped" (.zip) format. Many computer already have unzip programs installed on them. If you don't have a unzip program, google the word "unzip" and you will find many free programs you can use to open the folder once it's downloaded on your computer.